Terms of purchase

General terms and conditions

Check the Hungarian version here

Terms and conditions


Valid from: 2022.07.24.


Welcome to our website! Thank you for trusting us with your purchase!

This webshop’s terms and conditions were prepared with the Consumer Friendly Terms and Conditions generator.

Please read this document carefully before finalizing your purchase, because finalizing your purchase automatically means you agree to accept the terms and conditions stated in this document.

If you have any questions regarding the terms and conditions, usage of the website, any of the items  or the process of the purchase or you have unique needs, please contact our colleagues at the addresses listed here.

Imprint: information of the Service Provider (Seller, Enterprise)

Name: Viva 96 Bt.

Headquarters: 2161 Csomád Fóti utca 4.

Mailing address: 2161 Csomád Fóti utca 4.

Registration Authority: Budapest District Registry Court

Business Registration Number: 13-06-033819

Tax number: 28880664-2-13

Representative: Eszter Verók Vanda

Telephone number: 06204383423

E-mail: info@printathome.eu

Website: https://www.printathome.eu

Beneficiary account HUF number: 12010453-01637369-00100008

Beneficiary account EUR number: 12010453-01637369-00200005

IBAN: HU71-12010453-01637369-00100008


Privacy Registration Number: NAIH-64871/2013.

Additional privacy policy number: NAIH-88943/2015

Additional privacy policy number: NAIH-89248/2015

Additional privacy policy number: NAIH-89249/2015

Hosting provider data

Name: UNAS Kft.

Headquarters: 9400 Sopron, Kőszegi út 14.

Availability: +36-99/200-200, unas@unas.hu


Parties: Seller and Buyer collectively

Consumer: A natural person acting outside his trade, profession or business

Consumer contract: a contract in which one of the parties qualify as a consumer

Website: The current website which is used to conclude the contract

Contract: A contract of sale between Seller and Buyer using the Website and electronic mail

Remote communication device: A device that is capable of making a contract statement in the physical absence of the parties to conclude a contract. Such tools include, in particular, unaddressed or addressed forms, standard letters, order forms published in the press via advertisement, catalogues, telephones, faxes and devices providing internet connection

Out-of-Contract Agreement: A consumer contract that is made via a distance selling system organized for the provision of a contracted product or service, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties

Product: All marketable goods offered for sale on the Site which are subject to the Agreement

Entrepreneurship: a person who pursues his or her profession, self-employment or business

Buyer/You: the person who entered into a contract to make a purchase offer through the Website

Warranty: For contracts between the consumer and the business (hereinafter: consumer contract) under the Civil Code,

  1. (a) warranty for the fulfilment of the contract, which is undertaken by the enterprise voluntarily or in the absence of a legal obligation
  2. (b) statutory warranty

Relevant legislation

The Treaty is governed by the provisions of Hungarian law and, in particular, by the following laws:

1997 CLV. Act on Consumer Protection

CVIII of 2001 Act on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services

Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code

151/2003. (IX.22.) Government Decree on mandatory warranty of durable goods

45/2014. (II.26.) On detailed rules for contracts between consumers and enterprises

19/2014. (IV.29.) NGM Decree on the rules for handling of warranties for goods sold in a contract between a consumer and an enterprise

1997 LXXVI. copyright law

2011 CXX. Act on information self-determination and freedom of information

No. 2018/302 REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL (2018-02-28) on unjustified territorial restrictions on grounds of nationality, place of residence or place of establishment of the buyer and other forms of discrimination within the internal market amending Regulation No 2006/2004 and Regulation 2017/2394 as well as Directive 2009/22/EC

No. 2016/679 REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL (2016-04-27) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing regulation No. 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

Scope and acceptance of Terms and Conditions

The content of the contract between us – in addition to the provisions of the relevant binding legislation – is defined in these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC). Accordingly, the present GTC includes the rights and obligations, conditions for the conclusion of the contract, delivery deadlines, delivery and payment terms, liability rules and conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal for both parties.

The technical information required for the use of the website is not included in this GTC, but is provided by other information available on the website.

You must familiarize yourself with the regulations of this GTC before finalizing your order. By purchasing through our webshop, you agree to the terms of this GTC and that this GTC is part of the contract between you and the Seller.

Contract language, form of contract

The language of the contracts covered by this GTC is Hungarian.

Contracts falling within the scope of this GTC shall not be considered as written contracts and shall not be filed by the Seller.


Prices are in HUF and include 27% VAT. Prices are for information only and we reserve the right to change prices.

Complaint handling and enforcement

The consumer may submit consumer complaints regarding the product or the activity of the Seller at the following contacts:

The consumer may communicate to the enterprise their complaint regarding the marketing or sale of goods, or the behaviour or omission of the personnel acting on behalf of the company directly related to the marketing or sale of goods orally or in written form.
The company must immediately examine an oral complaint and remedy the issue if necessary. If the consumer disagrees with how their complaint was handled, or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, it is mandatory for the company to promptly register the complaint and their opinion about it, and hand over a copy of it to the consumer (in case of a verbal complaint made in person). If the complaint was made over phone or other electronic communications service, the copy of the complaint report needs to be sent to the consumer in accordance with the regulations for a written complaint, within 30 days at the latest, together with a substantive reply. A written complaint – unless  a directly applicable legal act of the European Union does not declare otherwise – needs to be answered in writing within thirty days of its receipt and act upon its disclosure. A shorter deadline may be set by statute, while a longer deadline may be set by law. It is mandatory for the enterprise to provide justification in case of a rejected complaint. An oral complaint made by telephone or electronic communications service must be assigned a unique identification number.

The report taken of by the customer complaint needs to contain the following information:

  1. name, address of the consumer,
  2. the place, time and method of making the complaint,
  3. a detailed description of the consumer's complaint, a list of the documents and other evidence presented by the consumer
  4. a statement of the company's position on the consumer's complaint, if an immediate investigation of the complaint is possible
  5. the signature of the consumer and the personnel handling the complaint, with the exception of an oral complaint made by telephone or other electronic communications service
  6. place and time of recording the customer complaint report
  7. In the case of an oral complaint made by telephone or other electronic communications service, the unique identification number of the complaint

The company must keep a record of the complaint and a copy of the response for five years and present it to the control authorities upon request.

If the complaint is rejected, the company is obliged to inform the consumer in writing which authority or conciliation body may they turn to initiate further proceedings. The information shall also include the seat, telephone and Internet access and the mailing address of the competent authority or conciliation body of the consumer's domicile or place of residence. The information should also include whether the company uses the conciliation board procedure to settle the consumer dispute.

If the potential consumer dispute between Seller and Consumer is not resolved during the negotiations, the following remedies are available to the consumer:

Complaint to consumer protection authorities. If the consumer detects a violation of their consumer rights, they are entitled to complain to the assigned consumer protection authority of their place of residence. After considering the complaint, the authority will decide on the conduct of the consumer protection procedure. The first-level authority of consumer protection is carried out by district offices that are competent for the consumer's place of residence, the list of which is available here: http://jarasinfo.gov.hu/

Court proceedings. The Customer is entitled to bring the claim arising from the consumer dispute to court in the civil procedure under Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on Civil Procedure.

You are hereby advised that you may have a consumer complaint against us. If your consumer complaint is rejected, you may also apply to the Conciliation Body competent for your domicile or place of residence: the initiation of the conciliation body's proceedings requires the consumer to attempt directly with the company concerned to settle the dispute. The procedure shall be conducted by the conciliation body indicated in the consumer's application instead of the assigned body at the request of the consumer.

The business is subject to the duty of cooperation in the conciliation board proceedings.

In this context, there is an obligation for companies to reply to a request by a conciliation body, and an obligation to appear before the conciliation body ("ensuring the participation of a person on hearings authorized to make an agreement").

If the registered office or place of business of the company is not located in the county of the conciliation body operating the territorially competent conciliation body, the obligation of cooperation of the company shall include the possibility of a written agreement corresponding to the consumer's demand.

In the event of violation of the above obligation to cooperate, the Consumer Protection Authority has the power to apply the imposition of fines in case of unlawful conduct of enterprises and, as a result of the change of legislation, and no possibility of refraining from fining. In addition to the Consumer Protection Act, the relevant provision of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Act has also been amended, so that fines will be also be imposed on small and medium-sized enterprises.

In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, the fine may range from HUF 15,000 to HUF 500,000, while in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises with annual net turnover exceeding HUF 100 million subject to the Accounting Act, the annual net revenue of the enterprise is 5%, up to 500 million HUF. By introducing a mandatory fine, the legislator aims to emphasize cooperation with the conciliation bodies and to ensure the active participation of businesses in conciliation proceedings.

It is in the jurisdiction of the conciliation body to settle the consumer dispute out of court. The task of the conciliation body is to try establishing a settlement between the parties of the consumer dispute, and in case of the former’s ineffectiveness, to make a simple, quick, effective and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. The conciliation body shall, at the request of the consumer or the company, advise on the rights and obligations of the consumer.

The proceedings of the conciliation body shall commence at the request of the consumer. The request must be made in writing to the chair of the conciliation body: the written requirement may be met by letter, telegram, telecopier or fax, and by any other means which enables the recipient to access, store and present the data in unchanged form or content for the duration serving the data’s purpose.

The application must include

  1. the consumer's name, domicile or place of residence,
  2. the name, registered office or place of business of the company concerned by the consumer dispute,
  3. if the consumer has requested another body to replace the competent conciliation body,
  4. a brief description of the consumer's position, the facts supporting it and their evidence,
  5. a statement by the consumer that the consumer has attempted to settle the dispute with the company concerned directly
  6. a statement by the consumer that no proceedings of other conciliation bodies were initiated in the case, no mediation procedure was initiated, no application was made or no application for a payment order was made,
  7. a motion for a decision by the panel,
  8. the consumer's signature.

The application shall be accompanied by the document or a copy (extract) of which the consumer refers as evidence, in particular a written declaration by the company rejecting the complaint, or, failing that, any other written evidence available to the consumer regarding the attempted conciliation.

If the consumer acts by proxy, the application must be accompanied by an authorization.

Further information on the Conciliatory Bodies is available at: http://www.bekeltetes.hu

For more information on Territorial Bodies, please contact:


Contact details for each Territorial Reconciliation Bodies competent in Hungary:

Baranya County Conciliation Board

Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36

Phone number: 06-72-507-154

Fax: 06-72-507-152

E-mail: abeck@pbkik.hu; mbonyar@pbkik.hu


Bács-Kiskun County Arbitration Board

Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4

Telephone number: 06-76-501-500; 06-76-501-525, 06-76-501-523

Fax: 06-76-501-538

E-mail: bekeltetes@bacsbekeltetes.hu; mariann.matyus@bkmkik.hu

Website: www.bacsbekeltetes.hu


Békés County Conciliation Board

Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5

Phone number: 06-66-324-976

Fax: 06-66-324-976

E-mail: eva.toth@bmkik.hu


Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Board

Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1

Phone: 06-46-501-091; 06-46-501-870

Fax: 06-46-501-099

E-mail: kalna.zsuzsa@bokik.hu


Budapest Conciliation Body

Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. III. em. 310

Phone number: 06-1-488-2131

Fax: 06-1-488-2186

E-mail: bekelteto.testulet@bkik.hu


Csongrad County Arbitration Board

Address: 6721 Szeged, Paris. 8-12.

Telephone number: 06-62-554-250 / 118

Fax: 06-62-426-149

E-mail: bekelteto.testulet@csmkik.hu


Fejér County Conciliation Board

Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Longevity Square 4-6.

Tel: 06-22-510-310

Fax: 06-22-510-312

E-mail: fmkik@fmkik.hu


Győr-Moson-Sopron County Arbitration Board

Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10 / a.

Phone number: 06-96-520-217

Fax: 06-96-520-218

E-mail: bekeltetotestulet@gymskik.hu


Hajdú-Bihar County Arbitration Board

Address: 4025 Debrecen, Vörösmarty u. 13-15.

Phone number: 06-52-500-710

Fax: 06-52-500-720

E-mail: korosi.vanda@hbkik.hu


Heves County Conciliation Board

Address: 3300 Eger, Faiskola Road 15.

Phone number: 06-36-429-612

Fax: 06-36-323-615

E-mail: hkik@hkik.hu


Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Arbitration Board

Address: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy Park 8. III. floor 305-306.

Telephone number: 06-56-510-621, 06-20-373-2570

Fax: 06-56-510-628

E-mail: bekeltetotestulet@jnszmkik.hu


Komárom-Esztergom County Conciliation Board

Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.

Phone number: 06-34-513-027

Fax: 06-34-316-259

E-mail: silvi@kemkik.hu


Nógrád County Conciliation Board

Address: 3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9 / A.

Phone number: 06-32-520-860

Fax: 06-32-520-862

E-mail: nkik@nkik.hu


Pest County Conciliation Body

Address: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. II. floor 240.

Mailing address: 1364 Budapest, Pf .: 81

Telephone number: 06-1-269-0703

Fax: 06-1-474-7921

E-mail: pmbekelteto@pmkik.hu


Somogy County Conciliation Board

Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna u.6.

Phone number: 06-82-501-026

Fax: 06-82-501-046

E-mail: skik@skik.hu


Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Arbitration Board

Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2

Phone number: 06-42-311-544

Fax: 06-42-311-750

E-mail: bekelteto@szabkam.hu


Tolna County Conciliation Board

Address: 7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25. III. floor

Phone number: 06-74-411-661

Fax: 06-74-411-456

E-mail: kamara@tmkik.hu


Vas County Arbitration Board

Address: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd Square 2.

Phone number: 06-94-312-356

Fax: 06-94-316-936

E-mail: vmkik@vmkik.hu


Veszprém County Conciliation Board

Address: 8200 Veszprém, Radnóti tér 1. Ground floor 116.

Telephone number: 06-88-429-008

Fax: 06-88-412-150

E-mail: bekelteto@veszpremikamara.hu


Zala County Conciliation Board

Address: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi u. 24

Phone number: 06-92-550-513

Fax: 06-92-550-525

E-mail: zmbekelteto@zmkik.hu

Online dispute resolution platform

The European Commission has set up a website where consumers can register, allowing them to settle disputes over online shopping by filling an application, avoiding court proceedings. Thus consumers can enforce their rights without, for example, the distance preventing them from doing so.

If you want to complain about a product or service you’ve bought on the Internet and don't want to go to court, you can use the online dispute resolution tool.

On the portal, you and the merchant who you have complained against can jointly choose the dispute resolution panel that you want to trust in handling the complaint.

The online dispute resolution platform is available here:



In accordance with the Copyright Act, Paragraph 1, Section 1 of Act LXXVI 1999 (referred to as CA hereinafter), the website is considered a copyrighted work and therefore all parts of it are protected by copyright. Paragraph 16 (1) of the CA prohibits unauthorized use of graphics and software solutions found on the website, unauthorized use of computer software, or the use of any application that may modify the Web Site or any portion of it. Any material from the website and its database may be taken over by the owner's written consent only and with reference to the website, with indication of the source. The owner of the rights is: Viva 96 Bt.

Partial invalidity, code of conduct

If a provision of the GTC is legally incomplete or invalid, the remaining parts of the contract will still remain valid and the provisions of the relevant legislation will apply instead of the invalid or erroneous part. The Seller does not have a statutory code of conduct for Prohibiting Unfair Commercial Practices against Consumers.

Handling of digital data content, technical protection measures

The availability of servers providing data on the website is over 99.9% per annum. Regular backups are made of the entire data content, so the original data content can be restored in case of a problem. The data on the website is stored in the MSSQL and MySQL databases. Sensitive data is stored with encryption of adequate strength, using CPU-based hardware-accelerated encoding.

Information on the substantial characteristics of the products

We provide information on the substantial features of the products available on the website in the descriptions provided for each product.

Correcting data entry errors - Responsibility for the validity of the data you provide

You will always have the opportunity to modify the data you have entered before the order is finalized during the order (by clicking the back button in the browser, the previous page will be opened so that you can correct the entered data if you have already entered the next page). Please note that it is your responsibility to enter the information you provide correctly, as the product will be billed or delivered based on the information you provide. By placing your order, you acknowledge that the Seller is entitled to devolve any damage and expense arising from you providing incorrect data to them. The Seller excludes their responsibility for completion based on inaccurate data entry. Please note that a poorly-specified email address or inadequate mailbox storage capacity may result in a lack of delivery of a confirmation and may prevent you from finalizing your contract.

Procedure for incorrect price

The Seller is not responsible for prices which are obviously incorrectly shown due to the fault of the IT system and/or due to operator oversight.

The following examples qualify as especially obviously incorrect prices:

  • 0 HUF price
  • Discounted price which differ from the rate of discount (for example: for a product of 1000 HUF, the product offered with a discount of 500 HUF is indicated with a discount of 20%),
  • Cases where it is obvious that the Product is not quoted at a verifiable market price and the Seller does not sell it at a discount (eg: obviously mistyped price: instead of 10 000 HUF, the price indicated is 1 000 HUF).

The average market price based on product search pages should be considered as a valid market price.

If the price is incorrect, the Seller will offer the possibility to purchase the product at a valid price, allowing the Buyer to order the product at a valid price or cancel their order without any adverse consequences.

Website usage

Product Selection

The customer has the option to choose and order the products displayed in the store. The customer can click on the selected product for a more detailed view. If they would like to purchase, the customer needs to place the product they would like to buy in a virtual basket by pressing the "Add to Cart" button. By clicking on the "View" button of the Shopping Cart they will find the products put into the basket during the purchase as well as the total amount of the invoice and shipping costs. They are able to check the correctness of their order here, especially with regard to prices and quantities that can be modified and improved as required. The basket automatically calculates the total amount of the order.

Checking out an order

If you consider the amount of products in your cart to be appropriate, you have checked the total amount and decided to make the purchase, then simply click on the "Checkout" button. You can choose to shop without having to register in our store, so you can choose from three options: if you want to log in as a registered customer, you want to register as a new customer or you want to buy without a registration. If you have already made purchases in our store, enter the e-mail address given during the previous registration and password. If you want to register as a new customer, enter the details of your purchase that the system stores and you will only need to sign in for the next purchase. For unregistered purchases, enter your billing and shipping address. In the next step, select the shipping method that suits you. You must then choose a payment method that suits you. If you agree with the content of the order, click the "Order" button to check out the order.

Finalizing an order (making an offer of purchase)

If you have certified that the contents of your cart match the products you want to order and that your information is correct, you can finalize your order by clicking the "Click here to order" button. The information provided on this website does not constitute an offer for the conclusion of a contract by the Seller. In the case of orders falling within the scope of this GTC, you are deemed to be a bidder and the contract is concluded by the Seller by accepting the offer made by you through the website, in accordance with the provisions of this GTC.

By pressing the "Click here to send order" button, you expressly acknowledge that your offer is deemed to have been made and your statement - if confirmed by the Seller under this GTC - will result in a payment obligation. Your offer is binding for 48 hours. If your offer is not confirmed by the Seller within 48 hours under these General Terms and Conditions, you will be exempt from the offer.

Processing an order, contract creation

The orders are processed in two steps. You have the opportunity to place an order at any time. Your order is first given an automatic response that only records the fact that your order has arrived through the website, but this confirmation does not constitute acceptance of your offer. If you notice that your automated verification email notification contains incorrect information (such as name, shipping address, phone number, etc.), you are obliged to correct this by emailing us at the earliest with the correct information. If you do not receive the automatic confirmation email within 24 hours of your order, please contact us because your order may not have been delivered to our system for technical reasons.

The Seller will confirm your offer by a second e-mail on the second business day following the submission of your offer at the latest. The contract is concluded with the Seller accepting the offer made by you by (second confirmation).

Payment methods

Bank Transfer

You can also settle the products by bank transfer.

Data Required for Transfer:

Beneficiary bank: Raiffeisen Bank

Beneficiary name: VIVA 96 Bt.

Tax number: 28880664-2-13

Business Registration Number: 13-06-033819

Beneficiary account HUF number: 12010453-01637369-00100008

Beneficiary account EUR number: 12010453-01637369-00200005

Cash on delivery

If you would like to settle the order value upon receipt of the package, select the "Cash on delivery" payment method.

Delivery methods and fees

Please check it here:  https://www.nyomtassotthon.hu/shop_contact.php?tab=payment

Completion date

The usual delivery deadline for the order is up to 30 days from the order confirmation. This delivery deadline is indicative and any deviation from it will always be communicated via e-mail.

Enforcement of rights, property rights clause

If you have previously had an order that was not accepted during delivery (not including cases where right of withdrawal was applied) or when the goods were returned to the seller marked as “did not seek”, the seller will only complete any further orders if the purchase price and shipping costs are paid in advance.

The Seller may withhold the delivery of the Product until they have verified that the Product price has been successfully paid using an electronic payment solution (including the case where the Buyer transfers the purchase price and the conversion in the currency of the Member State in which they reside and due to bank commissions and costs, the Seller will not receive the full amount of the purchase price and delivery fee). If the price of the Product has not been paid in full, the Seller may require the Buyer to supplement the purchase price.

Production of some of the products on our website may be discontinued. With this in mind, Seller reserves the right to refuse confirmed orders partially or fully. Partial performance may only take place after consultation with you, the customer. In the event of a prepayment of the purchase price of the product, the amount will be refunded to you within 5 business days.

Sales made over the border

The Seller does not distinguish between users of the website who reside in Hungary, or outside Hungary but within the borders of the European Union. Unless otherwise provided in this GTC, the Seller provides the delivery / receipt of ordered products in Hungary.

The provisions of this GTC are also applicable to purchases made from outside Hungary, governed by the provisions of the relevant regulation; the buyer in the meaning of this clause is the consumer who is a national of a Member State or resides in a Member State, or a company which has its seat in a Member State. and purchases or uses goods or services in the European Union exclusively for end-use purposes. A consumer is a natural person who is acting for purposes outside his trade, industry, craft or profession.

The language of communication and purchase is primarily Hungarian, the Seller is not obliged to communicate with the Customer in the language of the Member State of the buyer.

The Seller is not required to comply with the non-contractual requirements of the Product concerned, such as labeling or sector specific requirements according the national law of the Customer's Member State, or to inform the Customer of these requirements.

Unless otherwise stated by Seller, Hungarian VAT is applied to all Products.

The Customer may exercise their legal remedies in accordance with this GTC.

If an electronic payment solution is used, the currency of the payment is determined by the Seller.

The Seller may withhold the delivery of the Product until they have verified that the price of the products and the shipping costs have been successfully and fully paid through the use of an electronic payment solution (including the case when the Customer transfers in the currency of the Member State they reside in and the seller does not receive the full purchase price due to the conversion rate, bank commissions and costs). If the price of the Product has not been paid in full, the Seller may require the Buyer to supplement the purchase price.

For the purpose of transferring the Product, the Seller will also provide the same transfer facilities to non-Hungarian buyers as to Hungarian customers.

If the Customer can request the delivery of the Product to the territory of Hungary or to the territory of any other European Union Member State in accordance with the GTC, this may be requested by any non-Hungarian customer in any of the ways specified in the GTC.

If the Buyer can choose the picking up the Product at the Seller according to the GTC, a non-Hungarian customer is also allowed to do so.

Otherwise, a foreign customer may request that the Product be delivered abroad at their own expense. This right does not apply to Hungarian customers.

Orders are only completed by the seller after delivery expenses have been paid for. If the buyer does not pay the shipping costs to the seller or does not make arrangements about delivering the order on their own by the pre-agreed date, the contract shall be terminated by the seller and the prepaid purchase price will be refunded to the customer.

Consumer Guide based on the 45/2014. (II. 26.) Government Decree

Information on the right of withdrawal for the consumer buyer

Consumer Code 8: 1. § 1 (3) only qualifies a natural person acting outside his profession, self-employment or business as a consumer, thus legal persons may not exercise the right of withdrawal without justification!

According to 20. § of the 45/2014. (II. 26.) decree, the consumer is entitled to the right to withdraw from their purchase without reason.

The consumer has the right of withdrawal within 14 days of

  1. a) in the case of a contract for the sale of a product
  2. aa) the delivery of the product,
  3. ab) in case of multiple products delivered on different times, the last product’s delivery date,
  4. ac) the date of receipt by the consumer or a third party other than the carrier

The provisions of this section do not affect the consumer's right to exercise the right of withdrawal between the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of receipt of the product.

If the consumer has made the offer for the conclusion of the contract, the consumer has the right to withdraw the offer before the finalization of the contract, which eliminates the binding nature of the offer.

Withdrawal statement, exercising the right of withdrawal by the consumer

The consumer may exercise their rights stated in the governmental decree 45/2014. (II.26)’s 20th paragraph by means of a clear statement or the withdrawal statement example available for download on the website.

Validity of the consumer's withdrawal statement

The right of withdrawal shall be deemed to have been enforced within the deadline if the consumer sends their statement within the time limit. The deadline is 14 days.

It is consumer’s responsibility to prove that they have exercised their right of withdrawal in accordance with this provision.

The Seller is obliged to confirm the consumer's declaration of withdrawal after receiving it on an electronic medium.

Obligations of the Seller in case of withdrawal of the consumer

Obligation to refund

If the customer withdraws from their purchase in accordance with governmental decree 45/2014 (II.26.)’s 22nd paragraph, The Seller shall reimburse the total amount paid by the consumer, including any costs incurred in connection with the completion of the order, including the delivery fee, within fourteen days of becoming aware of the cancellation. Please note that this provision does not apply to additional costs caused by the choice of mode of shipping other than the least expensive conventional mode of shipping.

Methods of refunds

For withdrawals or cancellations made in accordance with governmental decree 45/2014 (II.26.)’s 22nd paragraph, the Seller shall refund the amount the customer is entitled to with the same method as the payment initially was made by the consumer. Subject to the express consent of the consumer, the Seller may use other means of payment for the refund, but the consumer shall not be charged any additional fees. The Seller shall not be liable for any delays caused by the Customer's incorrectly specified bank account number or postal address.

Extra costs

If the consumer expressly chooses a method of shipping other than the least expensive conventional means of shipping, the Seller shall not be obliged to reimburse the resulting additional costs. In such a case, we have a refund obligation up to the amount of the usual shipping charges shown.

Right of retention

The Seller may withhold the refund until the consumer returns the product or, without a doubt, has proven that they have shipped it back; the older date should be taken into account from these. We are unable to accept cash-on-delivery or packages with unpaid delivery fees.

The consumer's obligations in the event of cancellation or termination

Returning the product

If the consumer withdraws from their purchase in accordance with governmental decree 45/2014 (II.26.)’s 22nd paragraph, they are obliged to return the product(s) immediately, or at the latest, in 14 days after the notice of withdrawal, or hand it over to the seller or a person authorized by the seller to take over the product. A return is considered to be completed within the deadline if the consumer sends the product back before the deadline expires.

Bearing the cost of returning the product

The consumer bears the cost of returning the product. The product must be returned to the Seller's address. If the consumer terminates the contract made between remote parties after completion of said service has already started, they shall pay the company a fee proportional to the service’s completion by the date of the notice of termination. The amount to be paid in proportion by the consumer shall be determined on the basis of the total taxable amount of the contractually agreed remuneration. If the consumer proves that the total amount determined so is excessively high, the proportional amount shall be calculated on the basis of the market value of the services provided until the date of termination of the contract. Please note that we are unable to accept cash-on-delivery or packages with unpaid delivery fees.

Consumer’s responsibility for item value deterioration

The consumer shall be liable for any deterioration resulting from use beyond what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product.

The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the following cases

The Seller explicitly reminds you that you may not exercise your right of withdrawal in cases listed under Article 29 of Governmental Decree 45/2014 (II.26.), paragraph 1:

(a) in the case of a contract for the provision of a service, after completion of the service as a whole, where the enterprise has commenced the completion with the express prior consent of the consumer and the consumer has acknowledged that they will lose their right to withdraw after completion;

(b) in the case of a product or service whose price is subject to change depending on the fluctuation of the money market, beyond the influence of the company even before the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal;

(c) in the case of a non-manufactured product which has been produced at the consumer's request or at his express request, or in the case of a product which has been clearly customized to the consumer;

(d) perishables or items with a short preservation period;

(e) in the case of a sealed product which cannot be returned for health or hygiene reasons after it has been opened after delivery;

(f) in respect of a product which, by its nature, is inseparably mixed with another product after delivery;

(g) for alcoholic beverages whose the actual value depends on market fluctuations unaffected by the company and the price of which has been agreed upon by the parties at the time of the conclusion of the contract of sale, but completion of the sale takes place only after the thirtieth day following the conclusion of the contract;

(h) in the case of a contract for which the company does repair or maintenance work at the express request of the consumer;

(i) in the case of sealed-package audio or video recordings and the sale of computer software, where, after the transfer, the consumer has opened the packaging;

(j) in respect of newspapers, periodicals and periodicals, with the exception of subscription contracts;

(k) for contracts concluded at a public auction;

(l) in the case of a contract for the provision of accommodation, transport, car hire, catering or leisure services, with the exception of housing services, where the agreed delivery date or deadline is specified in the contract;

(m) in the case of digital content on non-tangible media, where the company has commenced the completion with the express, prior consent of the consumer, and the consumer has, at the same time as their consent, acknowledged that they are losing their right of withdrawal after the commencement of completion.

Warranty of products and accessories

This point of the Consumer Information Bulletin was prepared on the basis of the authorization of Article 9 paragraph (3) of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) By application of Annex 3 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.).

Warranty of accessories

In which case do you have the right to warranty of accessories?

In the event of the Seller's defective performance, you may enforce a claim against the Seller in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.

What rights do you have in your warranty claim?

You may, according to your choice, have the following warranty claims:

You may request a repair or replacement unless the fulfilment of any of the requirements you choose is impossible or would result in a disproportionate additional cost to the Seller compared to your other options. If you did not request or could not request repair or replacement, you may request a proportionate delivery or you may repair it at the Seller's expense, or, as a final option, cancel the contract.

You may also switch from your chosen right of warranty to another, but you will bear the cost of the change, unless it was justified or the Seller gave the reason for the change.

What is the deadline for enforcing your warranty claim?

You must disclose the defect immediately after discovering it, but not later than within two months of the discovery. At the same time, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that you may not enforce your warranty rights beyond the two-year time period after the completion of the contract.

If the subject of the contract between the consumer and the business is a used item, the parties may agree on a shorter limitation period; but the warranty period cannot be less than one year in this case either.

To whom can you turn to with your warranty claim?

You may enforce your warranty claim against the Seller.

What other conditions are there for enforcing your warranty rights?

Within six months of delivery, the only requirement for enforcing your warranty claim is being able to prove that the product or service was purchased from the Seller. However, after six months after completion, you are also required to prove that the defect you have detected was already present at the time of completion.

In the case of used products, warranty and warranty rights are generally set differently from the general rules. In the case of used products, defective completion still exists, however, the circumstances under which the Buyer may have expected certain errors should be taken into account. As a result of wear, occurrence of some defects may become more common, which means that it cannot be assumed of a used product to have the same quality as a newly purchased one. On this basis, the Customer may only exercise their warranty rights in respect of such defects that are beyond the defects arising from wear and are surfacing independently of them. If the used product is defective and the Customer was informed of this at the time of purchase, the Service Provider is not responsible in regards to the known defect.

product warranty

In which cases can you exercise your product warranty rights?

In the event of a defective item (product), you may choose to claim a product warranty claim.

What rights do you have in your warranty claim?

In a product warranty claim, you may only request the repair or replacement of the defective product.

In which cases is the product considered defective?

The product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements of the product when it is placed on the market, or if it does not have the properties given in the manufacturer's description.

What is the deadline for enforcing your product warranty claim?

You may enforce your product warranty claim within two years of the product being marketed by the manufacturer. After this period, you will lose his entitlement.

To whom and under what other conditions can you claim your product warranty claim?

You may only exercise your product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the goojds. You must prove that the product is defective when claiming product warranty.

In what cases is the manufacturer (distributor) exempted from the product warranty obligation?

The manufacturer (distributor) is only exempted from product liability if they can prove that:

  • the product was not manufactured or marketed in the course of its business, or the defect was not recognizable at the time of placing the item on the market according to the state of science and technology
  • the defect of the product arises from the application of legislation or mandatory regulatory requirements.

The manufacturer (distributor) only has to prove one of these reasons for exemption.

Please note that you may not enforce both warranty claims and product warranty claims simultaneously for the same defect. However, in the event of effective enforcement of your product warranty claim, you may enforce a warranty claim for the replaced product or repaired part against the manufacturer.


In which case can you exercise your guarantee rights?

Based on governmental decree 151/2003 (IX. 22.) on mandatory warranty for certain durable consumer goods, the seller is obliged to provide warranty to the customers.

The law prescribes the guarantee of warranty of durable goods (eg technical items, tools, machines) and their parts whose purchase value exceeds 10 000 HUF.

What rights do you have and within what time limit?

Governmental decree 151/2003 (IX. 22.) on mandatory guarantee for certain durable consumer goods defines the compulsory warranty cases. In the case of Products not covered by this case, the Seller does not undertake any warranty. The warranty claim can be enforced within the warranty period. If the claimant fails to comply with the obligation of the warranted party at the appropriate time, the warranty claim may be enforced in the court within three months of the expiry of the time limit specified in the notice if the warranty period has expired. Failure to meet this deadline will result in loss of rights. Otherwise, the rules for exercising warranty rights must be properly applied to enforce the warranty claim. The warranty period is one year. Failure to meet this deadline will result in loss of rights. The warranty period is the delivery of the consumer product to the consumer or, if commissioned by the company or its agent, commences on the day of commissioning. For any warranty claims beyond one year, please contact the manufacturer.

What is the relationship between guarantee and other warranty rights?

Guarantee exists beside other warranty rights (product and accessory), a fundamental difference between the general warranty rights and the guarantee is that the burden of proof is more favorable to the consumer in the event of a guarantee.

Goods falling under governmental decree 151/2003 (IX. 22.) which have fixed wiring or are heavier than 10 kgs or cannot be delivered as package on public transport (except for vehicles) have to be repaired at the place of operation. If repairs cannot be carried out at the site of operation, assembly /  disassembly and transport has to be taken care of by the company or – if the repair was directly requested at the repair service – the repair service itself.

The commitment of the seller during the term of mandatory guarantee shall not include any terms or conditions that are less favorable to the consumer than those provided by the statutory guarantee. After a period of 1 year, the terms of the voluntary guarantee may be freely determined, but should not affect the existence of the consumers’ statutory rights, including those based on accessory warranty.

Request of replacement within three working days

For goods falling under governmental decree 151/2003 (IX. 22.), the right of request for replacement within 3 working days of purchase also applies for sales made through webshops. The decree also states that in this case, the seller must interpret the customer’s request as if the product was defective at the time of sale and should replace it without further notice.

When is the Seller be exempted from the guarantee obligation?

The Seller shall be exempt from their guarantee obligation only if they are able to prove that the cause of the fault has arisen after delivery/completion of the order.

Please note that you may not enforce both guarantee and other kinds of warranty claims simultaneously at the same time due to the same defect. Otherwise you are entitled to your right to guarantee independent from your rights of warranty.